Sunday, February 8, 2009

Even More

I just looked over my last reverie and it feels done! I have been reaching for the sensation of words that go from your brain to your tongue without even having to think about it. I have been reaching for being fluent in a language as opposed to learning a language. I have been reaching for the 110% person that I was in the days when an A was 70%. I am reaching, in the area of finances and prosperity, for the ease and the knowing and the confidence and the almost-cockiness of when I was the best student in town and within the group of the 5 best students in the country. I was so smart and I knew it.
And now I am there when it comes to the money. I know it is there, know that I will rapidly and instantly know the answer when I see the question, but am excited about what method to use. It is fun getting to remember what it was like to be so smart and to be so aware of it. I could remember and figure out anything, everything. I was SOO smart. And I allowed myself to forget, to lose sight of who I am. And now is a good time to get it back and to get it in all areas of my life.
And the wonderful thing is that I wasn't arrogant about it at all. I just had a relaxed confidence in learning and knowing and a real pleasure in stretching my mind. That's where I have returned.